Artistic approach

Sophie-Gaëlle Martin - Sofigael M.

A child of Generation X, Sophie-Gaëlle Martin was born in the mid-70s at the height of the Disco wave, and was lucky enough to live through one of the freest, most joyful and expressive eras of contemporary Western society.

Raised in an orange shirt with a pointed collar and velvet bell-bottom pants, on The Supremes, The Alan Parsons Project or David Bowie, the artist continues with an adolescence in the 80s, in a black jacket and neon pink scrunchie, on the post-punk and the electric sounds of Blondie's New Wave, Simple Minds, The Cure, or Depeche Mode.

During the university years, Sofigael immersed himself in the grunge and synths of London's electro House.

Enfant de la génération X, Sophie-Gaëlle Martin est née au milieu des années 70 en pleine vague Disco, et a eu la chance de vivre une des époques les plus libres, joyeuses et expressives de la société occidentale contemporaine[Jazzy cats - Huile sur coton]
Inévitablement, au vu du marasme actuel, Sophie-Gaëlle a eu envie de nous replonger un peu dans cette ambiance passée bénie, et le pari est réussi : on écoute avec plaisir ses peintures couleur menthe-à-l’eau ou purple rain, et son petit refrain effronté bleu électrique. Et on se laisse prendre en douceur, par ce je-ne-sais quoi décadent et sexy du No Future de la fin du 20e siècle.[Don't kill the Punk - Huile sur lin]

Inevitably, given the current slump, Sophie-Gaëlle wanted to plunge us back into this blessed past atmosphere, and the bet is successful : we listen with pleasure to her paintings in mint-in-water or purple rain colours, and her cheeky little electric blue refrain. And we let ourselves be gently taken, by this decadent and sexy No Future of the end of the 20th century.

Fascinated by space and quantum physics, Sofigael M. has a certain conception of the universe. In love with long-distance travels, the artist takes the plane to see planet Earth “from afar”.

A l'écart de la ville - Sofigael M. ART - Huile sur lin - 80 x 80 cm

Sophie-Gaëlle Martin, cosmologue amateure biberonnée aux scénarios d’anticipation, pousse l’exotisme à l’extrême avec ses univers extrasolaires aux couleurs pop. Elle nous parle d’un exil passé ou futur, et nous dépeint une vie ailleurs, réinventée à l’aube de cataclysmes hauts en couleurs et désormais inévitables.[Nos galaxies - Sofigael M. ART - Huile sur lin - 65 x 81 cm]

Raised by a mother who taught Modern Literature who made her read “Brave New Worlds » at 8 years old, and by a father who was an architectural designer and a big reader of the Science-Fiction collection « Presence of the Future ", Sophie-Gaëlle Martin, hobby cosmologist nurtured with anticipation scenarios and stories from the series The Twilight Zone, pushes exoticism to the extreme with her extrasolar universes in pop colors. It speaks to us of a past or future exile, and depicts a life elsewhere, reinvented at the dawn of colorful and now inevitable cataclysms.

Le refuge - Sofigael M.

Sofigael M. always talks to us, with a lot of humor and a lot of poetry, about the end of the world.

An intimate or radical end of the world, but in any case the end of a world, the one we are familiar with. The threat hovers.

However, it is above all a question of resilience in the work of Sophie-Gaëlle Martin.

Resilience and resistance of planet Earth in face of imminent climatic disasters, and resilience and adaptation of human beings, here or in others dreamlike universes.

Adaptation - Sofigael M. - Huile sur lin
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